

This laboratory from distant Belgium is packed with books full of stories and little spaces where you can learn how and why stories come about, and who and why tells them. Project ABC uniquely spans the border between art and education; it is a project where esthetic experiments are studied, and creativity and artistic sensibilities nurtured. This mobile atelier/library/exhibition consists of interactive stops specially adapted for Czech participants, work islands where the materials are books in four languages, pictures and special education materials.... Don’t miss out!
Tábor Municipal Library
Friday 13-17, Sat 10-17
Eva Lindström is a famous Swedish illustrator and author with a specific sense of humor, a civil-minimalist approach to color images and uplifting storytelling. Alžběta Zemanová is an illustrator and creator of books and paper toys who does not attempt to curb her impish black and color humor and spontaneous playfulness.
Galerie U Radnice
27. 9. — 31. 10. 2018
FRI, SAT: 9.00–20.00, SUN: 9.00–17.00
This Berlin-based illustrator and cartoonist quietly, patiently records and reconstructs everyday dramas and events. Her illustrations include The History of the World, Sherlock Holmes and Hansel and Gretel...
27. 9. — 30. 9. 2018 (later in XAOXAX in Prague as part of Echoes of Tabook)
FRI, SAT: 10.00–22.00, SUN: 13.00–17.00
The founder of phenomenal Portuguese publishing house Planeta Tangerina introduces herself as an illustrator and clever builder of books. Simply, inventively, joyfully!
27. 9. — 31. 10. 2018
FRI, SAT: 10.00–20.00, SUN: 12.00–17.00
An exhibition of objects and books by the illustrator, graphic artist, inspirer, scriptwriter and author who stood behind the birth of Rouergue publishing house and many other French book-related projects. Read, play, think!
Galerie 4MAT
THURS: 16.00–18.00, FRI, SAT: 10.00–19.00, SUN: 10.30–12.30


The French illustrator and graphic designer from Belgium is author of three ingenious books for children: Contes au carré, Clac, la trappe! and the newly published Catastrophes. He collaborates with low-circulation magazine Cuistax, also a guest of Tabook. Among other things, he will present a series of notebooks dedicated to global metropolises.
KOKO (Martínka Húsky 55)
FRI, SAT: 10.00–22.00, SUN: 10.00–12.30


An exhibition of books with layouts by one of the most influential of Slovak graphic designers. A living history of a quarter century in beautiful Slovak bookmanship.
Vodárenská věž/The Water Tower
FRI, SAT: 10.00–20.00, SUN: 10.00–17.00
An exhibition of selected pieces by Bratislava-based linocut artist, singer
of Kamoško a Kokosko, DJ Reverend and teacher.
Antikvariát Bastion
27. 9. — 31. 10. 2018
FRI: 11.00—19.00, SAT: 9.00–19.00, SUN: 9.00–12.30
This mysterious thingama-being will take your portrait at lightning speed. Come see for yourselves!
In front of Střelnice


A selection of unusual articles from old-time Czechoslovakia. Enamel objects, buttons, porcelain, packaging.
Search! Comb the town for blank and blind spots. Do something with them!
Join the studio of illustration and graphic art (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague) &; the studio of animation (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague) &; the studio of graphic design (Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava).
Tábor - Old Town
Marie Butula Cichá: Galerie Voyeur
Way down in the valley there is a place called Cesta where you can secretly look through a peephole and espy an enigmatic entity exemplarily installed earlier by Marie.
Cesta, Galerie Voyeur


Divadlo Oskara Nedbala, divadelní kavárna
off: Kher 
Off: Papelote  
Off: Bylo nebylo
Kavárna Tržní náměstí
Off: PNP
Husitské muzeum v Táboře