TÁBOR, 28 – 30, SEPTEMBER 2017
An international festival of small and medium size quality publishers, an
encounter of book production professionals and a grandiose celebration
of pictorial books and illustrations will take place in Czech historic town of
Tábor during the last weekend of this year.
As usual, TABOOK discovers and presents key actors of the contemporary
independent book scene, the wide scale of quality publishing and all
associated activities.
This year TABOOK will explore the existence of humor as well as its kin
relations of grotesque and satire in Czech literature and society. We seek
to establish articulations with this historical genre specificity through the
work of authors and artist who do not fall victim to the ubiquitous self-
centered academism, self-fascination and loss of sense for humor. There
are not many of them, some being quite old in age while the younger
ones are more like trouvères. Within the framework of our tradition, this
year´s TABOOK is concentrated on Poland as well as Polish-marked
Ostrava region and on the promising development of the genre of now
book reportage which in a way substitutes deteriorating media.
And since we – like every year – deal with pictorial books and illustrations,
we would like to point out a few such publications that call for the
reader´s active participation or suggest various other ways how to read
and work with pictorial images.
Program 201726. 9. 2017
Download here.